Tuesday, February 22, 2011

     To start off my blog for this week, I want to open it with a quote from my mentor. Mrs. Burt said, "You don"t choose Special Ed.Special Ed chooses you." She said it in a joking manner, with another teacher in the room. This comment has really got me thinking all week about it. That was a very powerful comment to me. It started to make me think about myself and if I had been chosen for it.The thing is, I've got the opportunity to see if this is something I could do the rest of my life. A senior from last year, Micah Barnes, mentor said to him, if you don't enjoying doing it, then why do it? I remember Micah talking to me a lot about that comment. It's one of those things that don't seem like a big deal at the time, but in the long run, it's what means the most.
     My week was a very interesting week. I got to experience each class room. We made up a schedule for what days I'd be in each room. It's really cool to see the different teaching styles that each teacher has. They all have been very open and helpful in letting me into the classroom and working with the children. Working with the kids, there is never a dull moment. I guess one of the kids and tells Mrs. Burt, "Mrs. Burt. I think I caught racism." So they have been trying to cure him of his racism. Best of all, they all love Michael Jackson. One of the kids plays "Will You Be There" by Michael Jackson. He gets so excited when he plays it and dances to it.
     All the classes went to this place called Lifetown. When they got there they were given $12 to spend on things. They could get there nails done, buy food, watch a movie, do arts and crafts, and each thing cost money to do. I got to go along, and walked around with the kids. Talking to the teachers, they say that the old place use to be a lot bigger and better then what it is now. I can see what they mean. This place was pretty small to start with, and they had us, and people from other schools there at once.
       Over all this week has been really cool. I really enjoy what I'm doing and enjoying the atmosphere. Oh I did get scared over something that happened at site. Once of the girls had gotten sick. She was sitting right next to me. It scared me enough to the point I jumped out of the seat and I think I scared her. I know it's something I'll have to deal with in this career, I just need a little bit to get a strong stomach.


  1. I'm glad things are going well, Scarlett. It sounds like you have found your calling!

  2. Scarlett, we would love to see an update here!! How are things going?
