Friday, January 21, 2011

Walkabout Week 2.

     This week seem to fly by very quickly. It's hard to think about there only being one week until Walkabout starts. I've made more progress with Ridgeview. It's still not all set up. I'm afraid that it won't start on time. I feel like I ran out of time. It was just playing phone tag with them and not much getting accomplished like it should be. I feel like I should have done this Walkabout thing more on my own, but it's hard to manage what's going on with trying to balance work, school, and Walkabout. I'm not even sure if Ridgeview is going to work out the way I want it too. The Principal said she wasn't going to be involved with it at all and it was all between Mrs. Burt, an intervention specialist and my mentor. I was hoping to be more involved in the school as a whole. Now I seem to kind of be stuck where I'm at. I don't know, I mean it will be fun, but it's a much smaller scale then I thought. When it comes to my second Walkabout, I know I will have more opportunities then I have at Ridgeview.
     I'm pretty sure I'm passing my Winterum as well. I really took an intreast in Game Theory. I'm pretty excited for presentation night. Our class plans on teaching how to play the games that we learned how to play. I never really thought there would be so much math as there is in these games.
     Also Hannah and Cady left for their Walkabout. That was pretty sad because they were friends, but I'm also so excited for them. I'm really glad it worked out. I got to see some people that were out on Walkabout during Senior Seminar, and got to catch up with the other seniors. It's cool to hear everyone's experiences and what they are doing. Everyone I've talked to seems to glow about it when they talk about it. It's pretty cool.

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